Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Roots

Father Mr Ong Joo Poh and Mother Mdm Ooi Len Hong

During their teen

Me born on 2 Nov 1952.

The family photo in 1953. Eldest sister Ong Hong Eng(rear row 3rd from left), Eldest brother Ong Ghee Hoe(rear row 4th from left), 2nd sister Ong Hong Bee(rear row 2rd from left), 3rd sister Ong Hong Hiok(rear row 1st from left), 4th sister Ong Hong Thow(front row 5th from left), 5th sister Ong Hong Choo(front row 1st from left), Mother Ooi Len Hong(front row 2nd from left), 2nd elder brother Ong Sar Hoe(front row 3rd from left), Father Ong Joo Poh(front row 4th from left) and Ong Hock Lai (carried by my mother)
Family photo taken in 28 Jan 1971

Married with Alice Cheo on 27 Nov 77

Jasmine was born on 1st Feb 80
Willy was born on 12 Jul 82 Justin was born on 11 Sep 89
Family photo in 1990

Family photo taken in 1997

Jasmin married to Jimmy on 24 Jun 2006 photo (from left) Jasmine Ong Lei Wan, Oh Chian Ming(Son-in-law), Ong Hock Lai, Cheo Chin Chai, Willy Ong Wei Lie, Justin Ong Wei Cong(front) taken in 2006

Our look in 2012 -Formal

Our informal look

The family photo which was taken during my mother's 93rd birthday in 2007 

Amelia OH my first Grand Daughter, joined us on 14 Nov 2010

Please click below url for Amelia's one year old Birthday celebration

Eldest son, Willy Ong married with Catherine on 1 Nov 12

Margaret join us on 23 May 2013

Justin married Miki on 4 May 2017 (customary wedding in Japan on 23 Dec 2017)

Ayla Ong join the family on 18 Mar 2019

Kaito Joined us on 22 Mar 2019

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